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Melanie Dreser

Melanie Dreser
Head of Design, futurice GmbH


06.10.2022 | 10:30 – 10:50 Uhr

Auditorium 1 | Halle 1 / hall 1

Thema/Themenreihe: Führung & Kommunikation, Karrierelaufbahn & Bewerbung

Joblevel: Einstieg, Professionals, Leitungsfunktion, Quereinstieg

Dare to Lead – How to become a great creative leader
As the world around us becomes increasingly complex and challenging, so does our definition of leadership. Expectations are high and demands seem to explode. It can feel truly intimidating to follow this path towards creative leadership. But what if the thing that had the single most impact on your career was not mentioned in a flashy magazine article or renowned management manual? What if everything you ever needed was already there?

Along my journey, I learned that the things you do and focus on every day directly influence your future and career trajectory, and that a good design lead can make a huge difference for any company.

Details zum/r Referent/in Melanie Dreser
Vita: Melanie Dreser is an experienced Design and Business Leader at Futurice. As part of the German leadership team, she drives strategic development and daily operations in the German market. For more than 13 years she has been helping world-renowned clients in industries such as mobility, FMCG, energy, and health build their resilient futures.
Melanie is passionate about a deep understanding of people. Her focus is on combining strategy, design, data, and technology to build more innovative and data-enabled organizations

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