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Farida Abou-Elenein

Farida Abou-Elenein
Partner & Business Unit Lead, axzoom GmbH


06.10.2022 | 13:00 – 13:45 Uhr

Job-Offer-Talk K.21 | Halle 2 / hall 2

State of knowledge: IT & Softwareentwicklung

Joblevel: Einstieg, Professionals, Quereinstieg

Modern Engineering Expert
Presenting the job opportunity of becoming a modern engineering expert at axzoom GmbH. Modern engineering will be explained, the job offer will be presented and why you would want to become a modern engineer will be explained.

Details zum/r Referent/in Farida Abou-Elenein
Vita: Being a Partner and Business Unit Lead of Modern Engineering at axzoom GmbH, with a MSc in Mathematics, BSc in Computer Science and Mathematics (Joint degree) and a BSc in Architecture. Modern Engineering is a passion not a job for me. Starting out as a developer, I have been in the IT consulting field for over 10 years, specifically in the scope of developing IT solutions using modern frameworks or principles such as Agile and DevOps.
I was born in London,grew up in Egypt to an Egyptian father and German mother. Completed my studies in London where I started my development and consulting career.

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