Biete Austausch, Suche Austausch, Biete Mentoring

Christelle Al Haddad

biete #topics in relation to research, academia in general #mobility, transport, road safety #emerging transportation systems #behavioral modeling

suche #technical consulting #mobility #gender equity #sustainable development

Mentoring for someone, who is willing to act as a mentor for young women wishing to pursue a PhD in engineering, in particular in transportation, to provide them with an idea of what to expect, especially in Germany, and the different means they can be funded from. The ideal mentees would be Master students in their first or second year, interested in the above-mentioned topics; in case the topic of research is different, I can provide general mentoring about what to expect from research and academia in Germany, but this information might not be fully applicable in all of the cases.

Christelle Al Haddad is a PhD Candidate and researcher at the Technical University of Munich, the Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering, where she leads the „Human Factors“ research group. Her research interests include behavioral modeling in transportation, such as road safety and emerging transportation systems (e.g. urban air mobility), but also gender-specific aspects of transportation. She is very involved in the EIT community and an active member of the EIT Doctoral Training Network (DTN) program for urban mobility, where she learns how to adopt entrepreneurial aspects to an academic environment. She is also an active member in the EIT urban air mobility (UAM) special interest group (SIG). Committed to the urban mobility sector, her experience encompasses both academic and non-academic aspects. For the former, she is an instructor in various courses of the Transportation Systems master’s program and has supervised various master theses and study projects. Christelle also has a strong managerial portfolio; thus, she has led European and German-funded projects for the past few years. She has been invited as an expert in urban mobility on various occasions. Her active participation in the academic research community is reflected in her high-quality publications: within a few years only, she has published numerous journal articles and conference proceedings.


Interviewed at herCAREER about
My growth as a female researcher and leader in the academic world

Sprache: Englisch


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