Biete Austausch, Suche Austausch

Dr. Mara Cole

biete #Futuremobility #Digitisation&mobility

suche #Futuremobility #Digitisation&mobility

As coordinator of the Connencted Mobility Platform at the Center Digitization.Bavaria (Bayern Innovativ), Dr. Mara Cole promotes interactive dialogue between business, science, politics and the public in the context of connected mobility and digitisation. She supports Bavarian stakeholders in the development of their digitisation skills and advocates initiatives and projects in this field. Mara holds a master’s degree in ethnology, psychology and communication science from the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich and a PhD from the University of Bamberg in the field of psychology.


Bei der herCAREER im Interview mit
Diverse career paths in the mobility sector beyond a classical engineering education

Sprache: Englisch


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