Biete Austausch, Suche Austausch

Karen Wendt

biete #SustainableFinance #Blockchain #DigitalTransformation #SmartCities

suche #SmartCities #Leadership4.0 #ScalingSeriesA

Karen Wendt is the president of SwissFinTechLadies and editor of the Sustainable Finance Series with Springer Science Publishing. She merges 20 years of investment banking with digitalization, blockchain, leadership 4.0, design thinking and ideation. Karen is a frequent speaker at events, in radio and TV and the CEO of Eccos Impact GmbH. She won with peers the Financial Times Sustainability Award in 2007 for the introduction of an extra-financial risk management framework in investment banking. Karen holds an MBA from the University of Liverpool.


Bei der herCAREER im Interview mit
Blockchain – Friend or Foe?

Sprache: Englisch


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