Biete Austausch, Suche Austausch, Biete Mentoring

Rana Alnasir-Boulos

biete #Business Development #Intercultural Empowerment #Women in Male-Dominated Industries #Leadership and Leadership Development #Diversity and Inclusion #Career Growth and Strategy #Networking and Relationship Building #Personal Branding #Overcoming Challenges in the Workplace #Global Business Insights #Women in Energy, oil and gas, and especially pipeline business

suche # Leadership in a Global Context #Navigating Cross-Cultural Communication #Promoting Diversity and Inclusion #Business Growth and Expansion Strategies #Mentoring and Mentorship #Women’s Empowerment and Advocacy #Project Management Excellence

Mentoring für mentees who are ambitious, open to learning, and committed to personal and professional growth.

I am an open-minded and curious Business Development Manager and partner at the Euro Institute. I am passionate about setting up synergies and fostering growth in diverse environments. With a career spanning multiple continents, from Germany to the UAE, Tunis to South Africa, I have honed my skills in sales, business development, data analytics, and project management. My journey has led me to work in various global matrix organizations, where I have navigated different segments and channels of the business world. Throughout my career, I have consistently demonstrated a unique and versatile skill set, allowing me to adapt and excel in ever-evolving professional landscapes. One of my most significant achievements has been breaking intercultural barriers as an Arab woman in the energy pipeline sector. This accomplishment not only reflects my determination and resilience but also highlights my commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion in traditionally male-dominated industries. I am dedicated to continuous learning and thrive on the challenges that come with forging new connections and driving business growth. My experiences have not only shaped my professional identity but have also fueled my enthusiasm for creating opportunities, fostering collaboration, and pushing boundaries in the pursuit of excellence.


Bei herCAREER im Interview
Empowering Women: Navigating Intercultural Business Success and Breaking barriers as an Arabic Woman

 Sprache: Englisch


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