Nicola Hillemanns
Director Global Supply Chain Management, Giesecke+Devrient GmbH
13.10.2023 | 13:15 – 14:00 Uhr
MeetUp D.08 | Halle / hall 2
Company flexibility as key success factor – in an international, high-tech, Bavaria based, family owned corporation
The AllBright Foundation gGmbH talks about a ‘standstill’ in family owned German SMEs (Mittelständler) – basically meaning them being stuck in the past. 170 year old, family owned Giesecke+Devrient with more than 12k employees might not be a SME anymore but for sure is striving for 21st century work flexibility: Personal insights as Director Global SCM from lock-down interviews in a beergarden to female co-shaped New Work programs and about the ever important questions of ‘what do they do?’ and ‘what can you/we do?’ to shape the future workplace.
Thema/Themenreihe: Vereinbarkeit, Wirtschaft, Arbeit & New Work
Joblevel: Einstieg, Professionals, Leitungsfunktion
Details zum/r Referent/in: Nicola Hillemanns
Vita: 2020-2023: Director Global Supply Chain Management, Giesecke+Devrient Mobile Security GmbH
2017-2020: Founder, NiccolinosWelt
2014-2017: Senior Consultant & Organisational Development Manager, Lumics – A Joint Venture of McKinsey & Company and Lufthansa Technik
2010-2014: Head of SCM EMEA – Armacell International Holding
2005-2010: Business Administration, University of applied sciences Munich
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