Biete Austausch, Biete Mentoring

Bahar Ucar

biete #Leadership #Digitalization #CorporateCulture #Sustainability

Mentoring for women who come from a non-academic background and are looking for an exchange for their everyday situations, which can sometimes be very challenging.

Bahar Ucar moved to Bavaria (Schongau) as a child of guest workers when she was two years old and grew up in the countryside. She completed her secondary education and studied economics in Munich and Vienna on a scholarship from the Hans Böckler Foundation. Bahar has been working in the automotive sector for five years, initially as a consultant and for the last two years as a manager at a development service provider.


Bei der herCAREER im Interview mit
Being a young female leader in a male-dominated sector – what now?

Sprache: English


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  • Beziehe dich auf den Austausch bei herCAREER
  • Nutze die Möglichkeiten zur Kontaktaufnahme, die die Person angegeben hat.

So bewirbst du dich als Mentee

  • Deine Motivation zum Mentoring auf max. einer DIN A4 Seite
  • Lebenslauf oder Link auf dein Xing- oder LinkedIn-Profil
  • Nutze die Möglichkeiten zur Kontaktaufnahme, die die Person angegeben hat.