Biete Austausch

Lena Jüngst

biete #Life-centereddesign #Creativityinleadership #Unconventionalentrepreneurship #GenZproducts #Branding #Hardwareproductdevelopment

Lena is Co-Founder and inventor of air up, the world’s first drinking bottle that flavors water just by scent – innovative, sustainable, and without sugar or artificial additives. Originally, Lena developed the first prototype of air up in her Bachelor’s Thesis at the University of Schwäbisch Gmünd which led to founding her own start-up in 2019. Since then, over 800,000 drinking systems have been sold which saved 55 Million of PET bottles and 1,500 tons of unnecessary sugar already.


Bei der herCAREER im Interview mit
Lifehacks on how to survive a stressful & pressuring work environment without losing your creativity & joy

Sprache: Englisch


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