Category: Table Captain
Cordula Pflaum
Pilot at LufthansaTraining Captain for the Airbus A330/A340/A350, Trainer for psychologically safe teams
Working over 30 years as an Airline pilot, the Airbus A350 training captain Cordula Pflaum is not only shifting people around from A to B, but is also busy with conductingTRAININGS, WORKSHOPS and KEYNOTES on how PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY can be practiced. What is SAFETY CULTURE and what can be the impact of a well established ERROR MANAGEMENT within a safe workplace environment? Cordula Pflaum describes how she overcomes the challenges of always CHANGING TEAMS in AVIATION in her role as a LEADER. In cooperation with multiple hospitals in Germany and the international AO Foundation she transforms these skills together with the Human Factors Academy by conducting HUMAN FACTORS COMPETENCIES TRAININGS for the MEDICAL SECTOR. What can be done proactively by companies to strengthen the MENTAL HEALTH of their workforces to begin with? Due to 20 years experience in the field of PEER SUPPORT ( Critical Incident Stress Management by the Mayday Foundation), she is able to offer solutions for companies as in how they can supply PSYCHOLOGICAL FIRST AID at the workplace. As of recently she is writing a book, which touches on many of these topics and more. The release is planned for spring 2024.
In the herCAREER Podcast
Psychologische Sicherheit – Was braucht es, damit Menschen gut durch Turbulenzen kommen?