Category: Speaker, Table Captain
Eva Christiansen
Partner, FGS Global (Europe) GmbH,recently in the Chancellor's Office, as media advisor to former Chancellor Merkel and department head
Eva Christiansen is a partner at FGS Global Berlin, bringing her experience in strategic leadership positioning and crisis management to the table to advise clients on risk management, stakeholder engagement strategies, and executive leadership communication with a special focus on women.
Since 1999, she has supported German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel in a wide range of functions: Her positions included spokesperson for the CDU Germany as well as spokesperson for the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the German Bundestag. From 2006 onwards, Eva Christiansen worked in the Chancellery, as media advisor for Chancellor Merkel and most recently as head of the department “Political Planning, Innovation and Digital Policy, Strategic IT Steering”.
With a diploma in economics from the university of Bonn, Eva Christiansen started her career in auditing, before moving into politics in 1998.