Category: Podcast Speaker, Speaker
Franziska Hilfenhaus
Journalist & Founder of Kooperative WFranziska Hilfenhaus aims to bring more women in front of the camera and online with her work. Her career path includes starting as a radio presenter at MDR in 2001, before moving to WDR in 2004. There, she worked as a reporter for “daheim & unterwegs” and spent several years working for the award-winning Instagram format @maedelsabende by funk and WDR. She is also a long-time writer for the WDR magazine Frau tv. Her journalistic focus is on society and politics from a feminist perspective.
Additionally, Franziska is a co-founder of Kooperative W, a media consultancy dedicated to promoting more perspectives and diversity in the media. In this role, she works as a presenter, speaker, and trainer on digital and women’s issues.
In the herCAREER Podcast
Digitale Gewalt und Hass im Netz – Was können wir tun?
Revolution der Verbundenheit. Wie weibliche Solidarität die Gesellschaft verändert