Category: Speaker, Supporter
Isabelle Hoyer
Founder & CEO Employers for EqualityCo-Founder & CEO PANDA Women Leadership Network
Isabelle Hoyer is a founder and entrepreneur who has been advocating for equality and diversity in the workplace for over ten years. With Employers for Equality, she and her team offer companies a unique diversity education program, collaborating with the most renowned diversity experts. As the co-founder of the PANDA Women Leadership Network, Isabelle and her team have created a platform for exchange and networking for over 4000 female leaders. As a consultant for companies aiming to transform their culture to ensure equal opportunities for all employees, she maintains close communication with businesses, moderates panels, and inspires as a speaker. As a mother of two adult children, Isabelle is also passionate about education, creating modern work environments, and highlighting strong role models. Isabelle Hoyer originally comes from Dessau and has lived with her family near Munich for many years.