Category: Speaker, Table Captain
Vreni Frost
Moderator, speaker and authorVreni Frost is a multi-talented media personality. The moderator, speaker and author campaigns for topics such as equal rights, justice and health. She moderates and speaks for ARD, Spotify, Audible and Deutsche Vermögensberatung, for example, and guides people through video formats and events.
As colorful and diverse as her topics are, Vreni Frost always works analytically and goal-oriented with the optimism that every person can find their own inner strength and satisfaction. This includes financial freedom, especially for women. “Coin Stress – ein Plädoyer für den entspannten Umgang mit Geld” (A Plea for a Relaxed Approach to Money) is therefore the title of the new book that will be published in May. In her book, she encourages her readers to take a closer look at their own finances and explains in a humorous way the basics for survival in the financial jungle.
Interviewed by herCAREER
Umgang mit Finanzen: „Wenn wir Bescheid wissen, verlieren wir die Scheu“