at herCAREER Expo 2024
Halle / hall 3 / P.10.3
We offer exciting JOBS.
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW)
Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) is the first higher education institution in Germany to integrate academic studies with workplace training. Founded on March 1, 2009, DHBW traces its roots back to the Berufsakademie Baden-Wurttemberg. Today the university continues to carry on the highly successful tradition of cooperative education.
Business environment
Public sector
Major enterprise more than 1000 employees
founding year
Education qualifications:
Master's degree / German Magister
Master’s Degree
We are open to all degrees
Master craftsman
Advanced technical college entrance qualification
University entrance qualification
1st state examination
2nd state examination
3rd state examination
We are specifically looking for the following location(s)
Aalen, Esslingen, Friedrichshafen, Konstanz, Ludwigsburg, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Sindelfingen, Tübingen, Villingen-Schwenningen, Freiburg im Breisgau, Heidelberg, Heilbronn, Karlsruhe, Mannheim, Pforzheim, Reutlingen, Stuttgart, Ulm
We are looking for employees with the following professional & functional competence profile
Autonomous driving
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 02e
Management (without leadership experience) – 02f
Management (with leadership experience) – 02g
Construction / Architecture / Surveying
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 03d
Management (without leadership experience) – 03f
Management (with leadership experience) – 03g
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 03e
Data Analytics
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 07d
Management (without leadership experience) – 07f
Management (with leadership experience) – 07g
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 07e
Data Science & Artificial Intelligence
Management (with leadership experience) – 08g
Entry (after further training) – 08c
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 08e
Management (without leadership experience) – 08f
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 08d
Digital Finance / Blockchain
Entry (after further training) -42c
Management (without leadership experience) -42f
Management (with leadership experience) -42g
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) -42d
Professional (experience > 3 years) -42e
Digital Marketing & Sales
Entry (after sfurther training) – 10c
Management (without leadership experience) – 10f
Management (with leadership experience) – 10g
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 10d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 10e
Digital transformation (innovations)
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 11d
Entry (after further training) – 11c
Management (without leadership experience) – 11f
Management (with leadership experience) – 11g
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 11e
Management (with leadership experience) – 13g
Entry (after further training) – 13c
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 13e
Management (without leadership experience) – 13f
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 13d
Management (with leadership experience) -43g
Entry (after further training) -43c
Professional (experience > 3 years) -43e
Management (without leadership experience) -43f
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) -43d
Electrical engineering and information technology
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 14d
Management (without leadership experience) – 14f
Management (with leadership experience) – 14g
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 14e
Finance / Taxation
Management (with leadership experience) -45g
Entry (after further training) -45c
Professional (experience > 3 years) -45e
Management (without leadership experience) -45f
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) -45d
Research & Development
Management (with leadership experience) -46g
Entry (after further training) -46c
Professional (experience > 3 years) -46e
Management (without leadership experience) -46f
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) -46d
Social sciences
Management (with leadership experience) – 16g
Entry (after further training) –16c
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 16e
Management (without leadership experience) – 16f
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 16d
Computer science
Management (without leadership experience) – 17f
Management (with leadership experience) – 17g
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 17d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 17e
Engineering (others)
Management (without leadership experience) – 18f
Management (with leadership experience) – 18g
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 18d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 18e
Entry (after further training) – 24c
Management (without leadership experience) – 24f
Management (with leadership experience) – 24g
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 24d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 24e
Metal / mechanical engineering
Management (with leadership experience) – 25g
Entry (after further training) – 25c
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 25e
Management (without leadership experience) – 25f
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 25d
Management (with leadership experience) – 26g
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 26e
Management (without leadership experience) – 26f
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 26d
Sustainability / corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Management (with leadership experience) – 27g
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 27e
Management (without leadership experience) – 27f
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 27d
Natural sciences (other)
Entry (after further training) – 28c
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 28e
Management (without leadership experience) – 28f
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 28d
Production / manufacturing
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 32d
Management (without leadership experience) – 32f
Management (with leadership experience) – 32g
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 32e
Business Informatics
Management (with leadership experience) -50g
Entry (after further training) -50c
Professional (experience > 3 years) -50e
Management (without leadership experience) -50f
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) -50d
Entry (after further training) – 35c
Management (without leadership experience) – 35f
Management (with leadership experience) – 35g
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 35d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 35e
Social affairs
Entry (after further training) -48c
Management (without leadership experience) -48f
Management (with leadership experience) -48g
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) -48d
Professional (experience > 3 years) -48e
Distribution & trade
Management (with leadership experience) – 38g
Entry (after further training) – 38c
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 38e
Management (without leadership experience) – 38f
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 38d
Management (with leadership experience) – 41g
Entry (after further training) – 41c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 41d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 41e
Management (without leadership experience) – 41f
Industrial Engineering and Management
Management (with leadership experience) -49g
Professional (experience > 3 years) -49e
Management (without leadership experience) -49f
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) -49d
Economy / administration
Entry (after further training) – 40c
Management (without leadership experience) – 40f
Management (with leadership experience) – 40g
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 40d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 40e
We are looking for employees for the following fields of activity
Agile / Scrum
Education / Training
Digital Transformation
Marketing & Advertising
We are looking for employees for the following specific topics and specialist areas
Education and Social Affairs
Adult education, University / College teaching, Other: Education
Marketing and Communication
Event Marketing, Online Marketing
Sciences and Research
Management and business sciences / Economics / Administration
Other: Management and business sciences, Other: Administration, International Management, Office Management, Administration
Content participation

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gesine Hilf
Wissenschaftliche Leitung Masterprogramm, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW)
18/10/2024 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM
MeetUp H.43 | Halle / hall 3
Thread / thematic series: Science, Engineering, Digitalization & Technology, Career & Job Application
Joblevel: Career entry, Professional, Leading position, Startup & Entrepreneurship
Master und Weiterbildungsangebote an der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg
Sie wollen sich weiterbilden oder denken über einen Master nach? Sie möchten aber Ihren Job nicht aufgeben?
Wir zeigen Ihnen die Möglichkeiten eines berufsintegrierten Masters bei uns an der DHBW auf. Sie lernen die Vorteile aber auch die Herausforderungen eines berufsintegrierenden Masters kennen.
Das Meet Up ist gerichtet an Interessentinnen mit Bachelorabschluss, die einen Master im Bereich Technik, Wirtschaft oder Sozialwesen anstreben.
Auch Personalverantwortliche sind herzlich willkommen, sich über die Möglichkeiten unserer Weiterbildungsprogramme zu informieren.
Kommen Sie vorbei, wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Details about the speaker Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gesine Hilf
Vita: Maschinenbaustudium an der Leibniz Universität Hannover
Softwareberaterin für ERP-Software
MBA an der Purdue University, USA
Promotion an der Universität Stuttgart
Professorin für Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen an der DHBW Stuttgart

Prof. Dr. Katja Wengler
Professorin Wirtschaftsinformatik, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW)
17/10/2024 01:15 PM - 02:00 PM
MeetUp H.43 | Halle / hall 3
Thread / thematic series: Personality and competence development, Career & Job Application
Joblevel: Career entry, Professional, Lateral entry, Startup & Entrepreneurship
Lust, Studierende zu inspirieren?
Du hast bereits einen Studienabschluss und möchtest deiner Berufstätigkeit etwas Abwechslung verschaffen, dann hole dir Informationen zu einer Nebentätigkeit als Lehrbeauftragte an einer Hochschule. Als Lehrbeauftragte teilst du deine Expertise mit unseren motivierten Studierenden und bereitest die jungen Talente auf die Arbeitswelt von Morgen vor. Ich zeige Dir, wie eine Lehrtätigkeit funktioniert und wie Du Dich direkt bewerben kannst. Und wenn Dir das Unterrichten genauso viel Spaß macht wie mir, dann ist vielleicht auch die Professur etwas für Dich. Alle Fachgebiete und Fähigkeiten sind herzliche willkommen.
Details about the speaker Prof. Dr. Katja Wengler
Vita: Katja hat Informatik an der Fachhochschule Lausitz studiert und im Bereich Bioinformatik an der Universität Mannheim 2006 promoviert. Sie arbeitete danach drei Jahre in Großbritannien an der University of Hertfordshire und bekam ihre erste Professur an der Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Albstadt-Sigmaringen. Seit 2011 ist sie Professorin im Studiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik an der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg in Karlsruhe.
Continuing education
We offer academic continuing in the following subject areas
Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University closely cooperates with more than 9,000 enterprises and social institutions all over Germany. These partner companies select their students and are responsible for the practical part of the studies. The three-month rhythm, in which the students switch between the university and their workplace training provider, i.e. between gaining theoretical knowledge and applying this knowledge to practice is the core principle of cooperative education at DHBW. Both the students and the workplace training providers conclude a contract for a three-year term, within this contract the students receive a regular compensation, including social security benefits. Throughout the complete study period the students regularly switch between the university and the company, where the training takes place.
The participant can acquire expertise in the following subject areas
Social sciences, Construction / architecture / surveying, Biology / chemistry / pharmaceutics, Data analytics, Electrical engineering, Computer science, Engineering (others), Health, Metal / mechanical engineering, Natural sciences (other), Physics, Production / manufacturing, E-commerce, Digital finance / blockchain, Digital marketing & sales, Internet of Things (IoT), Web design & web development, IT security, Robotics, Data science & artificial intelligence, Mobility, Sustainability / corporate social responsibility (CSR), Software engineering / software development / coding, Distribution & trade, Business informatics, E-Mobility, Finance / Taxation, Project Management / Organization, Social, Care / Therapy
The following degrees are possible with us
Master, Bachelor
You can study with us to the following extent
We offer the training courses here
In Germany