StudySmarter GmbH
StudySmarter - Revolutionized Recruiting We believe that digital education will improve our world. With StudySmarter we want to proactively shape the future of education and use the potential of modern technology to revolutionize it for everyone in the world. At the same time, we close the gap between education and employment by enabling companies to target their career opportunities to the young people of tomorrow. In this way, companies help to make our learning tools available to everyone worldwide free of charge. Let’s revolutionize education together.
Content participation

Michael Segl
Teamlead, StudySmarter GmbH
12/10/2023 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM
MeetUp Q.04 | Halle / hall 3
Thread / thematic series: Business, Work & New Work / From Human Resources to Human Resources
Die Macht der Marke - was HR vom Produktmarketing lernen kann
Als Zugehöriger der Generation Y hat Michael sich intensiv mit der Ansprache der nachfolgenden Generation befasst - die GenZ - auch Digital Natives genannt. In diesem Meet-Up gibt er spannende Einblicke, die Marken und Arbeitgeber voranbringt und andere Perspektiven eröffnet.