Dr. Annika Bergbauer

Dr. Annika Bergbauer
Manager, Q_PERIOR AG

Karriere-MeetUp am AusstellerstandEN

12.10.2023 | 16:00 – 16:45 Uhr

MeetUp am Aussteller:innen-Stand | Stand: F.11

Diversity & Inclusion @Q_PERIOR – Diversity is in our DNA and a Business Case

Diversity is a vital topic and has become a business relevant dimension for companies. How can we integrate Diversity & Inclusion into our everyday work life? With our initiative at Q_PERIOR, we actively work on measures to continually enhance our commitment to Diversity & Inclusion.

In her Career Meet-Up, Dr. Annika Bergbauer (Manager at Q_PERIOR) sheds light on how we embrace and embody Diversity & Inclusion, as well as the challenges we face. She also provides valuable insights into career development opportunities at Q_PERIOR and our ever-evolving international work environment.

Thema/Themenreihe: Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Arbeit & New Work

Joblevel: Einstieg, Professionals, Leitungsfunktion, Quereinstieg

Details zum/r Referent/in: Dr. Annika Bergbauer
Vita: Annika Bergbauer holds a Ph.D. in economics by the LMU Munich and is a podcaster. Since 2019, she has been working as a consultant at Q_PERIOR, a Business & IT Consulting firm based in Munich. At Q_PERIOR, Annika leads a diverse team of employees. As a data scientist and project manager, she develops tailored solutions for clients. Additionally, Annika is actively involved in promoting Diversity & Inclusion at Q_PERIOR. She supports initiatives and programs that raise awareness about the significance of Diversity and drive workplace equality. Through her podcast „Datenaffaire“, Annika offers a behind-the-scenes look at data analysis in both corporate and academic settings.

Conditions and Consequences of Education – Microeconometric Analyses (9783959420693)

herCAREER: Das größte Netzwerkevent für Frauen. Das gesamte Vortragsprogramm & die Möglichkeit zum Ticketkauf gibt es unter: