Maja Radočaj
Software Engineer, CROZ d.o.o.


13.10.2023 | 12:15 – 13:00 Uhr

MeetUp L.12 | Halle / hall 3

From an Intern to a Tech Team Lead: My 3-Year Journey in a BizTech Company

CROZ is a BizTech company with competence clusters in Data, Consulting/Business Agility, DevOps, Integrations, and AI.
I started as a summer intern. I liked CROZ so much that I began working there as a Software Engineer. Today, I am a tech team lead in an agile team working on a FinTech project. My responsibilities also include mentoring colleagues in their daily tasks and organizing tech events in the company. In this MeetUp, I will tell you how I became what I am today, what I learned along the way, and why the CROZ culture has helped me to develop my full potential.
Präsentiert von CROZ DACH GmbH

Thema/Themenreihe: Führung & Kommunikation, Karrierelaufbahn & Bewerbung

Joblevel: Einstieg, Professionals, Leitungsfunktion, Quereinstieg

Details zum/r Referent/in: Maja Radočaj
Vita: Maja Radočaj is a Software Engineer at the IT company CROZ. Although CROZ has IT experts in various fields (Cloud Native and DevOps, Business Agility, Integrations, Artificial Intelligence), its Software Engineering department focuses on custom-made IT solutions and integrations, successfully collaborating with other departments.

In addition to project activities, Maja also organizes tech events in the company where various technological topics are discussed and shared. She leads an enthusiastic project team whose primary interest lies in understanding and implementing client requests using the latest software engineering tools and principles.

During her three-year career path at CROZ, she learned the importance of proper communication with clients and colleagues. Along with keeping up-to-date with the latest technological trends, she believes that a deep understanding of the working domain is the key to any successful project.

When not dedicated to programming, she relaxes by unplugging and spending her free time cycling, fishing, and playing the ukulele. She also enjoys sports, particularly chess, and learning about the latest developments in the chess world.

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