She/ Her Caroline Angle
Recruitment and Admissions Manager, Rotterdam School of Management BV
12.10.2023 | 15:15 – 15:35 Uhr
LiveTrainingCenter 1 – D.11 | Halle / hall 2
International Full-Time MBA Info Session
Join us to learn more about studying for your Full-time MBA programme at our top-ranked business school in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. You will be able to ask us any questions related to our MBA and receive more details about the application process, the class profile, the curriculum, what the RSM MBA can do for you and much more during an interactive Q&A event with Recruitment & Admissions Manager Caroline Angle
The International Full-time MBA at RSM builds the critical-thinking, problem-solving, leadership, and communication skills you need to launch & sustain a world-class career in business. In any sector, in any management role, anywhere in the world.
We look forward to meeting you.
Thema/Themenreihe: Persönlichkeits- & Kompetenzentwicklung, Karrierelaufbahn & Bewerbung
Joblevel: Einstieg, Professionals, Quereinstieg, Startup & Entrepreneurship
Details zum/r Referent/in: She/ Her Caroline Angle
Vita: Recruitment and Admissions Manager for RSM’s Executive
MBA programs. Caroline is passionate about finding the best talent
for RSM MBA programmes and managing the recruitment journey
for candidates looking for professional and personal transformation
herCAREER: Das größte Netzwerkevent für Frauen. Das gesamte Vortragsprogramm & die Möglichkeit zum Ticketkauf gibt es unter: