13.10.2023 | 13:00 – 13:20 Uhr
LiveTrainingCenter 1 – D.11 | Halle / hall 2
Plugging the Leaky Pipeline of Female Talent: How and Why supporting parents in your organization will help!
Building better workplaces for parents is not only the right thing to do, it can also significantly improve employee engagement, talent retention and gender diversity. Hear the how, the why, personal experiences and best practices from the Founder and Co-Founder of parents@work. Learn how parents are impacting the pipeline of female talent and how companies are using innovative peer coaching programs to achieve positive results. Interactive presentation in English.
Thema/Themenreihe: Vereinbarkeit, Wirtschaft, Arbeit & New Work
Joblevel: Einstieg, Professionals, Leitungsfunktion, Quereinstieg
Details zum/r Referent/in: Sarah Meier
Vita: As a speaker, Sarah engages her audience, bringing all her experiences as an employee, as a working mom, and as an entrepreneur, while vulnerably sharing her own story and inspiring others with her purpose and passion for building better workplaces for parents.
“This is my job – every day I talk with working dads and moms about what challenges them, about what they want and need to be able to succeed in combining work and family. I talk with Employers and ERG’s* about their goals and hurdles. I hear the good and the bad. I have a thousand stories to share – and I want the world to hear them – not just so that companies and employees can learn from these experiences, but so that we will know we are not alone.”
Details zum/r Referent/in: Rachael Waldinger
Vita: Rachael is an American living in Switzerland for the last 8 years. Her background is primarily in the US Healthcare industry in a variety of different consulting and leadership positions including CEO of a national healthcare billing company. Rachael has been the co-founder of parents@work in Zurich since 2021. parents@work helps companies to build internal peer coaching teams for parents and line managers. She‘s passionate about this work because the transition to being a working parent wasn’t easy for her and the challenges heavily impacted her decision to step away from her career for more than 5 years. Rachael believes that the more companies support all parents (dads and moms), and build family friendly work cultures, the more quickly and more positively we will impact gender equality.
herCAREER: Das größte Netzwerkevent für Frauen. Das gesamte Vortragsprogramm & die Möglichkeit zum Ticketkauf gibt es unter: