Prof. Dr. Sofia Rute
Kompetenzfeldleiterin Industrial Internet of Things, fortiss GmbH
Karriere-MeetUp am AusstellerstandEN
13.10.2023 | 15:00 – 15:45 Uhr
MeetUp am Aussteller:innen-Stand | Stand H.02
Research Career in STEM: Communications Engineering Hot topics, Challenges and Opportunities
The meet up focuses on the benefits and relevancy of pursuing a research career in Science, Technology, Engineering (STEM), and how success can be achieved, based on examples derived from the scientific field of communications engineering.
To help you understand and navigate your career, some topics to be addressed are: How to start a research career in communications engineering? What are the differences between an academic and an industrial research career? What are the current communications hot topics? Should I develop a Ph.D. to be successful in research? What opportunities are there after the Ph.D.? Where to get mentoring?
Thema/Themenreihe: Mentoring & Networking, Wissenschaft, Technik, Digitalisierung & Technologie
Joblevel: Einstieg, Professionals, Quereinstieg
Details zum/r Referent/in: Prof. Dr. Sofia Rute
Vita: Rute C. Sofia (PhD 2004) is the Industrial IoT Head at fortiss – research institute of the Free State of Bavaria for software intensive services and systems. She is also an Invited Associate Professor of University Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, and an Associate Researcher at ISTAR, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. Rute’s research background has been developed on industrial and on academic context. She was a co-founder of the COPELABS research unit, and the COPELABS scientific director (2013-2017), where she was a Senior Researcher (2010-2019). She has co-founded the Portuguese startup Senception Lda (2013-2019), a startup focused on personal communication platforms.
Her current research interests are: network architectures and protocols; IoT; Edge computing; in-network computing; network mining. Rute holds over 80 peer-reviewed publications in her fields of expertise, and 9 patents. She is an ACM Europe Councilor; an ACM Senior member; an IEEE Senior Member. She was an IEEE ComSoc N2Women Awards co-chair (2020-2021).
Before fortiss, she was an Associate Professor (COPELABS/ULHT, wireless/user-centric networking; sensing; IoT); she co-lead as senior researcher the „Internet Architectures and Networking“ area of UTM, INESC-TEC (07-10), focus on wireless/cellular network architectures and user-centric networking; she was (04-07) a senior research scientist in Siemens AG and Nokia-Siemens Networks GmbH, focusing on aspects such as: fixed-mobile convergence; carrier-grade Ethernet; QoS; IPv6 interoperability.
Rute holds a BEng in Informatics Engineering by Universidade de Coimbra (1995); M.Sc.(1999) and Ph.D. (2004) in Informatics by Universidade de Lisboa. During her PhD studies, she was a visiting scholar (2000-2003) at Northwestern University (ICAIR) and at University of Pennsylvania, MNLab.
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