Karla Coronado Luna

Karla Coronado Luna
PMO Manager for EuroDrone L1 Chief Engineering, Airbus


12.10.2023 | 12:30 – 12:50 Uhr

Auditorium 1 | Halle / hall 2

Succeeding in the aviation industry as a female engineer

During the speech one of our female engineers will talk to you about her professional path. Karla Coronado, EuroDrone PMO Manager for Chief Engineering at Airbus Defence and Space, will elaborate on the challenges and successes she met on her way. She will explain how the Airbus environment gave her the right surrounding, tools and support to succeed. She will talk to you about how Airbus helped her to balance the professional and private life – she can thrive in a career that she loves and at the same time take care of a rich family life. We will also hear about other great examples like that and how to join Airbus to become one of the next female influences in the industry.

Thema/Themenreihe: Wissenschaft, Technik, Digitalisierung & Technologie, Karrierelaufbahn & Bewerbung

Joblevel: Einstieg, Professionals

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