Dr. Endora Comer-Arldt
Head of HR Change, Communications & Governance
12.10.2023 | 12:00 – 12:45 Uhr
MeetUp P.01 Tisch 2 | Halle / hall 3
Transforming Leadership: The system change imperative
In today’s changing business world, new leadership and work models are gaining momentum. Companies explore hybrid work, flexibility, leading in uncertainty, and adapting to the BANI world. The demand for new approaches is driven by expectations from individuals, society, and government. Leaders are central in driving company goals and meeting employee needs.
To manage these changes, establishing a strong system for leaders to flourish is crucial. It is important to recognize how to foster such an environment and navigate the path to becoming the driving force behind this transformative change.
Focus: leadership amidst evolving expectations.
Thema/Themenreihe: Führung & Kommunikation, Persönlichkeits- & Kompetenzentwicklung
Joblevel: Professionals, Leitungsfunktion, Quereinstieg, Startup & Entrepreneurship
Details zum/r Referent/in: Dr. Endora Comer-Arldt
Vita: Dr. Endora Comer-Arldt is a seasoned leader who believes in people and the power of doing great things together. As a professional she works at corporate strategies, communications and transformational projects. Always acting as an interface she ensures high stakeholder engagement. Endora is a strong believer in the strength and energy of diversity, she enjoys translating strategies into stakeholder relevant communication and impactful projects. That’s what gets her out of bed.
Since 2020 Endora leads the global HR communications, change and governance of the global science and technology company Merck KGaA Darmstadt, Germany. Prior to her current role, she developed and implemented the company’s science and technology communications. Before joining Merck, Endora led the DACH communication for an international media and marketing agency network. She holds a PhD in Cultural Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna.
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