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Dânia Meira

Dânia Meira
Director, AI Guild


07.10.2022 | 15:00 – 15:45 Uhr

MeetUp H.01 Tisch 1 | Halle 2 / hall 2

Thema/Themenreihe: Wissenschaft, Technik, Digitalisierung & Technologie, Karrierelaufbahn & Bewerbung

Joblevel: Einstieg, Professionals, Quereinstieg

Why you need a martial arts approach to your data career?
Let’s break down the data field career opportunities using martial arts concepts as a comparison. As there are different types of martial arts, there are also different data roles. We can think of your career progression as the grading or ranking systems found in martial arts like BJJ and Judo for increasing levels of technical knowledge and practical skill.
Präsentiert von Women in Data

Details zum/r Referent/in Dânia Meira
Vita: Dânia Meira is a Senior expert and mathematician in the data field since 2012 with a Data Science career in Berlin startups where her work focused on ML for predictive analytics. She is also an experienced teacher and mentor. One of AI Guild’s founding members and the #datalift Director, Dânia has surveyed 50+ industry cases. She empowers companies for MLOps and use case deployment. When she’s not on the computer, Dânia spends her time on the mats practicing BJJ.

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