PoliticsFor example, we deal with topics such as equal rights, leadership crises or quota regulations. Strong women tell their stories and men how they work for equality.

Aminata Touré: first (and youngest) Black Vice Minister-President of Germany!

2024-07-10T09:36:30+02:0003. Jul 2024|Politics, Society, herVIEW|

Aminata Touré: In 2022, the first Person of Color in a ministerial office, and in 2024, the first (and youngest) Black Vice Minister-President of a German federal state. [...]

EU elections and youth study: “People are socialising into democracy”

2024-06-24T08:41:51+02:0019. Jun 2024|Politics, Society, herVIEW|

For the first time, people aged 16 and over took part in the EU elections in Germany. According to a survey by Infratest dimap, 16 to 24-year-olds voted for 17% voted [...]