PoliticsFor example, we deal with topics such as equal rights, leadership crises or quota regulations. Strong women tell their stories and men how they work for equality.

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Every voice counts!

2025-02-19T11:15:16+01:0019. Feb 2025|herWHY, Politics, Society|

"Democracy: Now More Than Ever!" Under this campaign title, Isabelle Gardt from OMR 5050 and Prof. Dr. Alexandra Wuttig from IU Internationale Hochschule invited guests to Berlin last week [...]

More Protection for Women Against Violence

2025-02-10T07:04:01+01:0006. Feb 2025|Politics, Society|

Last Friday, the Bundestag finally passed the long-planned Violence Assistance Act. Statistically speaking, almost every day, a man murders a woman in Germany—in most cases, his (ex-)partner. Nearly 400 women every day [...]

Stop the Muskulinists!

2024-11-27T17:56:47+01:0027. Nov 2024|Politics, Society|

"Elon Musk and his army of 'tech bros' are grabbing for power. Women suffer the most from this—and ultimately, the entire world," writes Lin Hierse in *taz*. For [...]

Who Are the Perpetrators?

2024-11-27T17:50:34+01:0025. Nov 2024|Politics, Society|

Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. đź’ˇ In Germany, the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) published its first-ever report last week on gender-specific crimes directed against [...]

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