Are female-led states responding better to the pandemic? Why Have Women Leaders Excelled At Fighting The Coronavirus Crisis? Are female leaders more successful at managing the coronavirus crisis?
I currently see this question circulating through the headlines of major media outlets: From Forbes to Guardian News & Media to ZEIT Online.
Sociologist Eva Illouz has a good explanation for this: Women pay attention to people and their well-being, which is why they might act more economically, medically, and socially foresightedly.
In ZEIT ONLINE, she further explains: “The current crisis presents itself to me as a laboratory in which a female style of governance is distilled, in contrast to that of men, who have not understood or denied the seriousness of the situation for far too long. Xi Jinping tried to conceal it for a long time, Trump declared the virus as a Democratic invention, Macron went demonstratively relaxed to the theater on March 16, Netanyahu overnight shut down the courts and the law, and Bolsonaro declared his population to be virus-resistant.”
The sociologist finds this gender difference perplexing.

Posted by Natascha Hoffner, Founder & CEO of herCAREER, WiWo columnist, LinkedIn TOP Voice 2020, W&V 2019 – 100 Köpfe
published on LinkedIn on 04.2021