Logo herCAREER-Expo
Logo herCAREER-Expo


Show your participation at the herCAREER Expo on social media!

This is how it works: Download the frame, position it over a photo of yourself, e.g. on canva.com, adjust the size, save, done!

“meet me” frame for your profile picture

Your “meet me” post on Instagram

Your “meet me” post on Instagram

Use the video in your communication to draw attention to your participation in the exhibition.

Simply click “Copy link” at the top right and you’re good to go! The following text is available for your free use.


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Are we going to see you live at the herCAREER Expo
on October 17.-18. 2024?

The herCAREER Expo is Europe’s leading expo for female career. Every year, it brings students, graduates, women in specialist and executive positions, and female founders from Germany and beyond to Munich. The two-day expo is a place for conversations – across hierarchies and industries. Here, employers who are committed to equal opportunities present themselves.

Students travel free of charge with FlixBus from all over Germany to the herCAREER Expo in Munich. In this way, herCAREER enables young people to exchange ideas and build a network, regardless of their financial means. The herCAREER Expo offers free childcare for children between the ages of two and five.

With digital expo- matching, visitors can find offers, people and about 300 exhibitors that match their interests. In this way, they can navigate through 60 presentations and about 400 other program items in the best possible way. Matching starts on October 4, 2024.

Students pay 0 euros after prior registration and presentation of their student ID on site. Optional additional tickets are available for the networking event herCAREER@Night – a dinner in a relaxed atmosphere with personalities from economy, science, society, media and politics who are open to exchange. Particularly attractive ticket prices apply for students with proof of eligibility!