What a headline in Forbes „What Do Countries With The Best Coronavirus Responses Have In Common? Women Leaders“!

Currently, there are often reports that the majority of essential jobs are held by women. However, women also demonstrate that their leadership may be different from that of their male counterparts, but no less effective. Especially not in the current crisis.

“For years, there have been studies tentatively suggesting that the leadership style of women could be different and advantageous. Instead, too many political organizations and companies still work to encourage women to behave more like men if they want to lead or succeed.”

This crisis also shows: We need (also) this kind of leadership.
And suddenly, women in leadership roles are coming into focus. Iceland, Taiwan, New Zealand, but especially Angela Merkel – they are stepping up to show the world how to handle a chaotic situation like this.

herVIEW - Natascha Hoffner

Posted by Natascha Hoffner, Founder & CEO of herCAREER, WiWo columnist, LinkedIn TOP Voice 2020, W&V 2019 – 100 Köpfe
published on LinkedIn on 03.2021