Logo herCAREER-Expo
Logo herCAREER-Expo


The Expo program offers a variety of formats and focus areas. Discussions are organized in small groups to promote direct exchange.

Here is an overview of our presentation formats. For details on specific presentations and discussions, please refer to the expo program.

Lectures & Discussions

At the herCAREER Expo, Role Models talk about their personal journey and their expertise. They will give you a female and diverse perspective on labor market, social and scientific topics. Take away valuable suggestions – for you and your career!

ca. 60 participants    20 min.    2 auditoriums    no reservation possible


LiveTrainingCenters have their own designated areas at herCAREER-Expo and are held concurrently throughout the event. The presentations by participating trainers, coaches or consultants are mostly interactive and involve the participants. The diverse content ranges from personality and skills development, insights into SEO, mentoring and start-up advice, as well as the compatibility of family and career.
Afterwards, there will be the opportunity to get answers to more in-depth questions at the exhibition booths.

ca. 20 participants    20 min.    2 designated areas    no reservation possible

Subjects related to the focus on personality and competence development can be, among others:

  • Rhetoric
  • Presentation techniques
  • Moderation
  • Voice coaching
  • Sales & Sales talks
  • SEO
  • Mentoring
  • Organizational Culture & Entrepreneurial Thinkin

The workshops and seminars are aimed at female founders and cover the following topics, among others:

  • The bank meeting – be well prepared
  • Insurance cover for female entrepreneurs
  • What you need to know about subsidies
  • Communicating and selling more successfully
  • Drawing up employment contracts
  • Legal tips for women entrepreneurs
  • Becoming a franchise partner – the alternative to starting a new business

Career-MeetUps – presentation of company insights by HR / Diversity or presentation of Role Models.

FOKUS Insights: Exchange on topics such as application tips / mentoring/ sponsorship / personnel development measures / job sharing models, etc.
GOAL: Give insights into your company which is usually only available at a job interview. Let them experience your company firsthand.

FOCUS Role Models: Enable visibility of female role models so that others can follow their example as well as networking
GOAL: Honest and authentic exchange; employees are becoming ambassadors /
influencers on behalf of your company

The Career-MeetUps enable you to have a qualified and valuable exchange on a specific topic in a small group.

max 12 participants*    45 min.    designated areas    no reservation possible

*We have chosen these upper limits quite deliberately to ensure an efficient exchange. For events at exhibition booths we recommend 6 participants

Subjects related to the focus on personality and competence development may include:

  • New to a leadership role
  • Field report from a specialist (e.g. engineer) – Variety of tasks and perspectives
  • Dos and Don’ts of the application – Tips for a successful application strategy
  • Becoming visible in the company – self-marketing
  • Finding strategic partners in the company
  • Leading at a distance
  • Finding and approaching mentors
  • How to build a good network

Meetups on the following subjects, among others, are aimed at female founders:

  • Finding investors – how to do it
  • How a good network helps with PR work
  • Finding and approaching mentors
  • Building and using networks
  • How to scale my business
  • How companies are valued
  • Financing with the crowd – a field report
  • How do I motivate employees in an economically strong region to join a new company?
  • How do I place a product in the trade

Job-Offer-Talk – Dialog between applicants and companies

Presentation of and exchange on specific job offers
FOCUS: specific job offers
HOW: Abandoning the traditional detailed job ad style; list department and career level in advance (Internship / Trainee / young Professional / Executive Position / Career)
GOAL: Encourage women to apply; counteract the confidence gap.

max 12 participants*    45 min.    designated areas    no reservation possible

*We have chosen these upper limits quite deliberately to ensure an efficient exchange. For events at exhibition booths we recommend 6 participants

Subjects related to the focus on personality and competence development may include:

  • New to a leadership role
  • Field report from a specialist (e.g. engineer) – Variety of tasks and perspectives
  • Dos and Don’ts of the application – Tips for a successful application strategy
  • Becoming visible in the company – self-marketing
  • Finding strategic partners in the company
  • Leading at a distance
  • Finding and approaching mentors
  • How to build a good network

Meetups on the following subjects, among others, are aimed at female founders:

  • Finding investors – how to do it
  • How a good network helps with PR work
  • Finding and approaching mentors
  • Building and using networks
  • How to scale my business
  • How companies are valued
  • Financing with the crowd – a field report
  • How do I motivate employees in an economically strong region to join a new company
  • How do I place a product in the market

Expert-MeetUps – benefit from professional exchange

Experts share their (specialist) knowledge, experience and insights. Experts can be lecturers, alumni, customers, students, doctoral candidates, etc., who speak about their project, research, and applications.

FOCUS: Present experts and foster networking
GOAL: Let interested visitors profit from the knowledge of your employees who are willing to share their experience in order to make

max 12 participants*    45 min.    designated areas    no reservation possible

*We have chosen these upper limits quite deliberately to ensure an efficient exchange. For events at exhibition booths we recommend 6 participants

Future Talks – Insights into new projects and innovations

Introduction of your new business models driven by digitalization

FOCUS: Present new products and services you have created at your company.
Speak about the skillset you are looking for in your company to drive forward
GOAL: Inform interested visitors and prospective applicants about changes in
your company and thus reach new target groups.

max 12 participants*    45 min.    designated area    no reservation possible

*We have chosen these upper limits quite deliberately to ensure an efficient exchange. For events at exhibition booths we recommend 6 participants

Contents of Future Talks could be, for example:

  • Electromobility: “How we want to succeed in replacing gasoline and diesel engines with our innovations.”
  • Autonomous driving: “What is already possible today – and what is needed beyond that?”
  • Real estate industry: “What will the customer approach of the future look like?”
  • Smart Home: “How do we as a company make the home smarter? Find out – how you can support us in this.”

Innovation Labs

Introduction of your incubators / labs / hubs / accelerators

FOCUS: Founders, who have worked in and/or for one of your innovation formats, tell other prospective founders about their personal experience. Or have innovation experts show by means of best practices as to how they realize and look for innovation.
GOAL: Promote your innovation programs and get in touch with interested visitors.

max 12 participants*    45 min.    designated areas    no reservation possible

*We have chosen these upper limits quite deliberately to ensure an efficient exchange. For events at exhibition booths we recommend 6 participants

  • The Innovation Lab format allows companies to present creative offerings such as Lab, Incubator, Accelerator or Hub to you, and to get in touch with you.
  • Here, founders report on their work with innovation tools and describe the process authentically in order to inspire others – in the best case, you – to start up.
  • Innovation experts present the innovations they are looking for with best practices.
