Category: Speaker
Dipl.-Wirtschaftsjuristin (FH) Katharina Lotter
MediatorKatharina Lotter holds a degree in business law (FH), is a mediator and freelance journalist. During her studies in business law with a specialization in labor law and business psychology at the Nürtingen/Geislingen University of Applied Sciences, she gained a wide range of professional experience in trade, industry and consulting; among others, at Kaufhof Warenhaus AG, at KPMG DTG, in the Trumpf group of companies and for FinanceScout24. After her studies, she initially worked as an assistant for Ernst & Young in Hamburg, followed by internships at the Financial Times Deutschland and the business magazine brand eins. In 2008, Katharina Lotter finally set up her own business as a freelance business journalist and copywriter for corporate publications, using various forms and formats to address the question of how people work together, what a good corporate culture is capable of achieving, and what change demands of us all. This was followed in 2019 by her further training as a mediator at the University of Stuttgart. Since then, Katharina Lotter has accompanied people in private and professional conflict situations in their search for individually appropriate, sustainable solutions.