Category: Speaker

Prof. Dr. Anja Seng

Vice President
FidAR e.V.

As a professor and consultant, she combines science with business and practical relevance. She has more than 25 years of professional experience at the university in teaching, research and university management, which is optimally complemented by consulting and lecturing activities in human resources management, employer branding and diversity management. In doing so, she is active in SMEs as well as in corporations of different industries and public administrations. Since 2020, she has been auditing organizations in Essen on behalf of the Essen Alliance for Families. She is a sought-after keynote speaker and moderator and is characterized by extensive commitment to more equal participation in leadership positions, e.g. as a founding member and mentor in the initiative Women into Leadership IWiL or at ZONTA. In an honorary capacity, Anja Seng has been Vice President of the initiative Frauen in die Aufsichtsräte (Women on Supervisory Boards) since 2020, of which she has also been an active member for many years.

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