Career Website
at herCAREER Expo 2024
Halle / hall 3 / H.30
We offer exciting JOBS.
We have offers for the COMPATIBILITY of family and career.
Retail and e-commerce services
Die Unternehmen der Schwarz Gruppe
The Schwarz Group is a leading international retail group with 575,000 employees in 32 countries. Lidl and Kaufland form the pillars of the food retail. Schwarz Produktion is active in food production and PreZero in environmental services. The Schwarz Group is one of the few retail groups to cover the entire value chain. As an IT and digital division, Schwarz Digits offers convincing digital products and services that match the high German Data protection standards. Schwarz Dienstleistungen is responsible for various administrative and operational services.
Business environment
Organizational structure with multiple career opportunities
Group environment
Flexible working, modern workplace design, remuneration and social benefits, 30 days of vacation, permanent employment contract, sabbatical, work-life balance, company health management, benefits, personal and professional developmentdung
Major enterprise more than 1000 employees
founding year
Language competence required
Deutsch: Self-guided speech application (B2)
Expert language skills (C1)
(Approximate) Native language skills (C2)
Englisch: Elementary speech application (A1 / A2)
Advanced language use (B1)
Further language skills are not required
Education qualifications:
Master's degree / German Magister
Master’s Degree
We are open to all degrees
Master craftsman
Advanced technical college entrance qualification
University entrance qualification
1st state examination
2nd state examination
3rd state examination
We are specifically looking for the following location(s)
We are looking for employees with the following professional & functional competence profile
Construction / Architecture / Surveying
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 03d
Entry (after further training) – 03c
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 03b
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 03e
Cloud Computing
Entry (after further training) – 05c
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 05b
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 05e
Lateral entry – 05a
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 05d
Data Analytics
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 07b
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 07d
Entry (after further training) – 07c
Lateral entry – 07a
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 07e
Data Science & Artificial Intelligence
Entry (after further training) – 08c
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 08b
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 08e
Lateral entry – 08a
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 08d
Digital Finance / Blockchain
Entry (after further training) -42c
Entry (expertise self-taught) -42b
Lateral entry -42a
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) -42d
Professional (experience > 3 years) -42e
Digital transformation (innovations)
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 11d
Entry (after further training) – 11c
Lateral entry – 11a
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 11b
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 11e
Entry (after further training) – 13c
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 13b
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 13e
Lateral entry – 13a
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 13d
Entry (after further training) -43c
Entry (expertise self-taught) -43b
Professional (experience > 3 years) -43e
Lateral entry -43a
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) -43d
Electrical engineering and information technology
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 14d
Entry (after further training) – 14c
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 14b
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 14e
Entry (after further training) -44c
Entry (expertise self-taught) -44b
Professional (experience > 3 years) -44e
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) -44d
Finance / Taxation
Entry (after further training) -45c
Entry (expertise self-taught) -45b
Professional (experience > 3 years) -45e
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) -45d
Computer science
Entry (after further training) –17c
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 17b
Lateral entry – 17a
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 17d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 17e
Internet of Things (IoT)
Entry (after further training) – 19c
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 19b
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 19e
Lateral entry – 19a
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 19d
IT Security
Entry (after further training) – 20c
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 20b
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 20e
Lateral entry – 20a
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 20d
Communication / PR / media / linguistics and cultural studies
Entry (after further training) – 21c
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 21b
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 21d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 21e
Entry (after further training) – 26c
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 26b
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 26e
Lateral entry – 26a
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 26d
Sustainability / corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Entry (after further training) – 27c
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 27b
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 27e
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 27d
Online Marketing / Social Media Management
Entry (after further training) – 29c
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 29b
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 29e
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 29d
Software engineering / software development / coding
Entry (afterfurther training) – 33c
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 33b
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 33e
Lateral entry – 33a
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 33d
Business Informatics
Entry (after further training) -50c
Entry (expertise self-taught) -50b
Professional (experience > 3 years) -50e
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) -50d
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 34b
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 34d
Entry (after further training) – 34c
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 34e
Strategy & Innovation
Entry (after further training) – 36c
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 36b
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 36e
Lateral entry – 36a
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 36d
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 41b
Entry (after further training) – 41c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 41d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 41e
Industrial Engineering and Management
Entry (after further training) -49c
Entry (expertise self-taught) -49b
Professional (experience > 3 years) -49e
Lateral entry -49a
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) -49d
We are looking for employees for the following fields of activity
Agile / Scrum
Occupational Safety
Art / Creative
Consultation / Consulting
Business Development
Controlling & Planning
Customer Service & Customer Care
Digital Transformation
Purchasing / Procurement
IT / Information Technology
Communication & PR
Sustainability / Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Human Resources
Project Management
Process Planning / Process Management
Accounting / Bookkeeping
Processing & Administration
Supply Chain Management
Corporate Governance
We are looking for employees for the following specific topics and specialist areas
Banking / Finance / Financial Services and Insurance
Business Analysis, Accounts Receivable, Digital Finance, Financial Accounting / Balance Sheet Accounting, Salary Accounting / Payroll Accounting, Accounts Payable, Mergers & Acquisitions, Taxes, Treasury / Cash Management
Purchasing / Materials Management / Logistics
Procurement logistics, Fleet management, Supply Chain Management
Craft / Manufacturing / Service
Work safety, Construction industry, Event services, Civil Engineering
Information technology
Technical Documentation, Application administration, App development, Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Data Analytics, ata Science, Database Administration, Database Development / Data Warehouse / Business Intelligence / Big Data, Data Protection, Digital Transformation, Embedded Systems / Firmware Development, Hardware Development, Helpdesk, Internet of Things (IoT), IT Security, Robotics / Robotics Technology, SAP ERP consulting / development, Software development, System Administration / Network Administration, Technical Documentation, UI / UX, Web Development, Business Informatics, Other: IT
Engineering and technical professions
Event technology, Construction industry, Other: Engineering, Acoustics, Civil Engineering, E-Mobility, Energy and environmental technology, Building, supply and safety engineering
Marketing and Communication
Brand Management, e-Commerce, International Business & Communication, Performance Marketing, PR / Corporate Communications
HR Department
Compensation & Benefits, Wages / Salary
Legal Department
Distribution / Customer Relationship Management / Sales
Consulting / Advice
Management and business sciences / Economics / Administration
International Management, Administration
Content participation

Kathrin Hinterleitner
Senior Professional | Performance & Learning SIT, Die Unternehmen der Schwarz Gruppe
17/10/2024 02:00 PM - 02:45 PM
Job-Offer-Talk C.26 | Halle / hall 2
State of knowledge: IT & Software Development
Joblevel: Career entry, Professional, Leading position, Lateral entry
Digitale Exzellenz: Die Expertise von Schwarz Digits in der IT-Branche
Seitens Schwarz IT verfügen wir als Teil von Schwarz Digits über eine breite Expertise in allen Feldern der IT – von der klassischen Softwareentwicklung über IT Consulting bis hin zu KI-Anwendungen und Cyber-Sicherheit – und gehören damit zu den größten deutschen Playern der IT-Branche. Schwarz Digits ist die IT- und Digitalsparte der Schwarz Gruppe und bietet überzeugende digitale Produkte und Services an, die den hohen deutschen Datenschutzstandards entsprechen. Als Schwarz Digits garantieren wir größtmögliche digitale Souveränität und stellen IT- und Digitallösungen für alle Branchen bereit.
Details about the speaker Kathrin Hinterleitner
Vita: Mit umfassender Erfahrung in der IT-Performance, Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung habe ich in verschiedenen Positionen bei der Schwarz Gruppe wertvolle Kenntnisse erworben. Derzeit bin ich als Senior Consultant IT-Performance & Learning tätig, wo ich die strategische Ausrichtung und den Aufbau des Bereichs verantworte. Als Coach, Trainer und D,E&I-Beauftragte setze ich mich für die Förderung von Vielfalt und Inklusion in der IT-Sparte Schwarz Digits ein.
In meiner vorherigen Rolle als Bereichsleiterin IT-Kommunikation & Organisation ĂĽbernahm ich die Gesamtverantwortung fĂĽr strategische und operative Bereiche wie Kooperationen, Kommunikation, Events, Onboarding und Organisationsentwicklung. Meine Expertise in der Erarbeitung und Implementierung von Personalentwicklungskonzepten konnte ich als Senior Consultant Kompetenzentwicklung bei der Schwarz Dienstleistung KG vertiefen.
Als HR Business Partnerin war ich die zentrale Anlaufstelle für Zielgruppen in allen Betreuungsfragen und sorgte für eine serviceorientierte Steuerung. In meiner Zeit als Ausbildungsleiterin bei Lidl Vertriebs-GmbH & Co. KG beriet ich die Geschäftsführung und Führungskräfte zu allen ausbildungsrelevanten Themen und baute eine starke Ausbildungsstruktur auf. Meine Karriere begann ich als Verkaufsleiterin, wo ich einen Verkaufsbezirk selbstständig führte und für die Personal- sowie Kennzahlenverantwortung zuständig war.
Mit meinem breiten Erfahrungsspektrum und meiner Leidenschaft für Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung bin ich bestrebt, nachhaltige und innovative Lösungen zur Förderung von Teams und Einzelpersonen zu schaffen.
Products and Services
We have offers for the COMPATIBILITY of family and career.
Parental leave, Family & Work, Return to work
Family & Work, Work & Old Age, Return to work
Kindergartens, Daycare centers, Children's facilities, Daycare facilities for children (Kinderkrippen), Holiday care, Private schools
In Germany