Career Website
at herCAREER Expo 2023
Halle / hall 3 / J.09.7
We offer exciting JOBS.
Consulting / Consultation
Think bigger. Break through barriers. At zeb you have every opportunity to do so. zeb is one of the leading strategy, management and IT consultancies specializing in financial services in Europe. We support banks, insurance companies and (tech) service providers in the development of new business models, digital transformation, risk management and IT management. We are experts in the areas of strategy and organization, finance and risk as well as IT consulting. As an employer, we rely on people who like to try new things, take responsibility and inspire others through their actions.
Business environment
New-work environment with lean hierarchies
Work-Life-Choice: flexible working time models, sabbatical, unpaid leave, mobile work, working from home, company discounts, travel support, insurances and pension schemes,
Development: Master and PhD-program, onboarding week, zeb.business school, Office Academy, Web Academy, trainings, focus on mentoring and coaching,
Networks: Female Excellence initiative, corporate volunteering, corporate events and team events such as zeb.Uni or our big christmas party, buddy program, alumni-network, zeb.stayconnected-Program
Office perks: fruits, beverages and casual dresscode at our offices, zeb.wellfit, social space
Major enterprise more than 1000 employees
founding year
Language competence required
Deutsch: Self-guided speech application (B2)
Expert language skills (C1)
(Approximate) Native language skills (C2)
Englisch: Advanced language use (B1)
Self-guided speech application (B2)
Expert language skills (C1)
(Approximate) Native language skills (C2)
Further language skills are not required
Education qualifications:
Master’s Degree
We are specifically looking for the following location(s)
Europe except Germany
Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, South Europe, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Austria, Luxemburg
We are looking for employees with the following professional & functional competence profile
Data Analytics
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 07b
Entry (after further training) – 07c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 07d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 07e
Management (without leadership experience) – 07f
Management (with leadership experience) – 07g
Data Science & Artificial Intelligence
Management (with leadership experience) – 08g
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 08b
Entry (after further training) – 08c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 08d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 08e
Management (without leadership experience) – 08f
Digital Finance / Blockchain
Entry (expertise self-taught) -42b
Entry (after further training) -42c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) -42d
Professional (experience > 3 years) -42e
Management (without leadership experience) -42f
Management (with leadership experience) -42g
Digital transformation (innovations)
Entry (after further training) – 11c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 11d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 11e
Management (without leadership experience) – 11f
Management (with leadership experience) – 11g
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 11b
Finance / Taxation
Management (with leadership experience) -45g
Entry (expertise self-taught) -45b
Entry (after further training) -45c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) -45d
Professional (experience > 3 years) -45e
Management (without leadership experience) -45f
Research & Development
Management (with leadership experience) -46g
Entry (expertise self-taught) -46b
Entry (after further training) -46c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) -46d
Professional (experience > 3 years) -46e
Management (without leadership experience) -46f
IT Security
Management (with leadership experience) – 20g
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 20b
Entry (after further training) – 20c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 20d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 20e
Management (without leadership experience) – 20f
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 23b
Entry (after further training) – 23c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 23d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 23e
Management (without leadership experience) – 23f
Management (with leadership experience) – 23g
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 30b
Entry (after further training) – 30c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 30d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 30e
Management (without leadership experience) – 30f
Management (with leadership experience) – 30g
Software engineering / software development / coding
Management (with leadership experience) – 33g
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 33b
Entry (afterfurther training) – 33c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 33d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 33e
Management (without leadership experience) – 33f
Business Informatics
Management (with leadership experience) -50g
Entry (expertise self-taught) -50b
Entry (after further training) -50c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) -50d
Professional (experience > 3 years) -50e
Management (without leadership experience) -50f
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 35b
Entry (after further training) – 35c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 35d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 35e
Management (without leadership experience) – 35f
Management (with leadership experience) – 35g
Strategy & Innovation
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 36b
Entry (after further training) – 36c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 36d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 36e
Management (without leadership experience) – 36f
Management (with leadership experience) – 36g
Management (with leadership experience) – 41g
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 41b
Entry (after further training) – 41c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 41d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 41e
Management (without leadership experience) – 41f
Economy / administration
Entry (expertise self-taught) – 40b
Entry (after further training) – 40c
Entry (after studies with < 3 years of work experience) – 40d
Professional (experience > 3 years) – 40e
Management (without leadership experience) – 40f
Management (with leadership experience) – 40g
We are looking for employees for the following fields of activity
Agile / Scrum
Consultation / Consulting
Controlling & Planning
Digital Transformation
IT / Information Technology
We are looking for employees for the following specific topics and specialist areas
Information technology
Application administration, App development, Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Data Analytics, ata Science, Database Administration, Database Development / Data Warehouse / Business Intelligence / Big Data, Data Protection, Digital Transformation, Embedded Systems / Firmware Development, Hardware Development, Helpdesk, IT Security, Robotics / Robotics Technology, Software development, System Administration / Network Administration, UI / UX, Web Development, Business Informatics, Other: IT
Banking / Finance / Financial Services and Insurance
Business Analysis, Credit / Risk Management, Accounts Receivable, Digital Finance, Financial Accounting / Balance Sheet Accounting, Corporate Banking, Salary Accounting / Payroll Accounting, Investment Banking, Credit analysis, Accounts Payable, Mergers & Acquisitions, Private Banking, Treasury / Cash Management, Actuarial mathematics, Auditing, Other: Banks, Other: Financial services, Other: Finance, Other: Insurance
Management and business sciences / Economics / Administration
International Management, Economics, Business Science, Other: Economics, Other: Management and business sciences
Content participation

Sandra LĂĽbke
Managerin, zeb
12/10/2023 02:15 PM - 03:00 PM
MeetUp L.12 | Halle / hall 3
Thread / thematic series: Compatibility, Career & Job Application
Joblevel: Career entry, Professional
Unternehmensberatung bis zur Rente oder als Karrieresprungbrett?
Die Consulting-Branche gilt als schnelllebiges Pflaster: Nach dem Studium wenige Jahre in der Beratung arbeiten und dann weiterziehen. Viele Studienabsolvent:innen greifen den Einstieg in die Branche als Karrieresprungbrett auf und die Fluktuationsrate ist relativ hoch. Doch es gibt auch Arbeitnehmer:innen, die ihre gesamte Karriere in der Beratung bleiben oder dorthin auf seniorem Level wechseln. Ist es immer noch so, dass die Beratung als Sprungbrett genutzt wird? Wie wird sich die Branche vor dem Hintergrund der AnsprĂĽche der Generation Z entwickeln? Kann sie langfristig attraktiv sein? Und welche Auswirkungen hat die Wahl eines dieser Wege auf die eigene Karriere und das Privatleben?
Details about the speaker Sandra LĂĽbke
Vita: Sandra Lübke hat ein duales Studium in einer Volksbank absolviert. Nach einem berufsbegleitendem Master hat es sie ins Ausland gezogen, wo sie in China als Tutorin an einer Universität und in Ruanda als Junior Consultant bei der Deutschen Sparkassenstiftung gearbeitet hat. Seit 7 Jahren arbeitet Sandra bei zeb, einer auf den Finanzdienstleistungssektor fokussierte Strategie-, Management- und IT-Beratung. Ihre Projekte drehen sich um die Themen Prozessmanagement und Prozessoptimierung in Genossenschaftsbanken. Zudem ist Sandras Herzensthema die Förderung von Diversity in Regionalbanken – insbesondere Gender Diversity. Sie setzt sich für die Erhöhung der Chancengerechtigkeit ein, denn die Frauenquote im Vorstand bei Sparkassen und Genossenschaftsbanken liegt gerade einmal bei etwa 5 %.