Was tun Frauen, um sich auf ihrem Weg nach oben anzupassen, und welchen Preis zahlen sie dafür? Das wurde in einer US-#Studie untersucht, deren Autorinnen im Harvard Business Review schreiben:
„In our respective (predominately U.S.-based) research, we have spoken to and surveyed thousands of high-performing professional women. On the surface, these women appear to have ‚arrived‘. They’re role models, company leaders (…). But as we delved deeper, many of them, particularly women of color, are in crisis, struggling to live up to the demands of the ideal worker and within the constraints of a workplace not designed with them in mind.“
Um weiterzukommen, wendeten die Frauen fünf typische „Maladaptations” an.
„And maladaptations don’t just impact women; men have been forced to create their own set of coping mechanisms in their rise to the top. For women, it’s time we evolve beyond these maladaptations and (re)claim our agency.“ Aber: „Women can’t just stop these maladaptations and survive on their current tracks; companies need to evolve, too.“

Ein Beitrag von Natascha Hoffner, Founder & CEO of herCAREER I WiWo-Kolumnistin I LinkedIn-TOP-Voice 2020 I W&V 2019 – 100 Köpfe
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