Statutory educational leave for participation at the herCAREER-Expo 

Did you know that you are legally allowed to have an educational leave in some German states? And did you know that you can use this educational leave to visit the herCAREER Expo?

First of all: Educational leave has nothing to do with your legal vacation leave. Because, as the name implies, educational leave serves for education and learning instead of vacation. With educational leaves, the government is supporting your activities in the lifelong learning process: Your salary is still going to be paid by your employer during your leave. You are also able to choose the topic of your educational leave by yourself. 

In short: Educational leave means an exemption from work to educate oneself. 

The following states have approved educational leave for the herCAREER Expo 2024:

  • Sachsen-Anhalt
  • Schleswig-Holstein
  • Hamburg
  • Thüringen 

Applications for educational leave were rejected in the following states this year:

  • Bremen
  • Saarland
  • Brandenburg

Approval of the herCAREER Expo as an event for educational leave

Take the chance to submit your attendance at the herCAREER Expo to your employer as educational leave. The herCAREER Expo is recognized as an organizer for educational leave in multiple states. 

The entitlement for educational leave is regulated in the respective state laws, so there are different conditions for federal states.

Whether a seminar or other further training events are recognized for educational leave depends on the state in which you have your workplace. Only if they are recognized, you are entitled for educational leave.

How to apply for educational leave to your employer for attending the herCAREER Expo:

As mentioned: Whether you are obligated for educational leave depends on the state you are working in, not your state of residence. Depending on the state, there might be a slight difference in how to submit a claim. Therefore we have listed a summary for each state below. (Related documents are being updated step by step)

This is the way to go if you want to register your herCAREER Expo visit for educational leave with your employer:

 a) First of all, find out if the state of your working place has a Law on Educational Leave in place, and if you are generally entitled to an exemption from work:

  • Schleswig-Holstein
  • Hamburg
  • Sachsen-Anhalt
  • Thüringen

b) When planning your visit at the herCAREER Expo, please bear in mind that your employer has to plan your absence time too. If possible, apply for your visit at the herCAREER Expo as soon as you can. Submission deadlines are usually included in the state’s law. 

c) Submit the herCAREER Expo registration certificate and the approval confirmation to your employer. Write down an appeal to submit your right to go for educational leave. Some states do have blank forms for that. 

d) Get a written confirmation of the submission and the submission date. 

e) If your employer has checked your application and has no objections, you can visit the herCAREER Expo for educational leave.

f) In case you are getting sick in the meantime, make sure to report this to your employer immediately, otherwise, these days will count as an absence.

Apply for educational leave in Hamburg:

*Documents and webpages are only available in German

Apply for educational leave in Sachsen-Anhalt:

*Documents and webpages are only available in German

Apply for educational leave in Thüringen:

    • Application submission is possible until: At least 8 weeks before the event
    • Apply to: The individual employer of the participant, stating the utilization and the time of the event
    • Method:
      1.Registration for the herCAREER via our ticket shop
      2. Submit the confirmation of registration (which you will automatically receive via email after purchasing your ticket) and the
      confirmation letter from the state of Thüringen* to the employer for approval. A template for the application (provided by the State of Thüringen) can be foundhere*
    • General information from the state of Thüringen*on the topic of educational leave

*Documents and webpages are only available in German

Apply for educational leave in Schleswig-Holstein:

*Documents and webpages are only available in German