Category: Speaker, Supporter
Stefan Scheller
Influencer and founderHR portal PERSOBLOGGER.DE
Stefan Scheller is an HR Influencer and founder of PERSOBLOGGER.DE, one of the best-known German-language online portals for HR practice. On the platform, current specialist information, studies and infographics can be downloaded, an event calendar and a job exchange are accessible free of charge and without registration. In addition to overviews of the HR scene (blogs, podcasts and specialist literature), exciting startups are presented. New is the curated content-based provider directory as an overview of service providers for the HR world.
The podcast Klartext HR complements the diverse content with a 15-minute audio format with topics around new work, new management, change, recruiting and learning and appears biweekly on the most popular streaming platforms.
In his main job, Stefan Scheller is HR Manager responsible for employer communications at DATEV eG in Nuremberg and advises internally on employer branding, personnel marketing, recruiting, new work and digital HR.
Most recently, he published the practical guide Erfolgreiche Personalgewinnung für KMU (Successful Recruitment for SMEs) and tours as a keynote speaker at HR congresses and trade events.
Interviewed by herCAREER
Professionelles Corporate Influencing – Praxiseinblicke