How AI is teaching us to overthink our own morality

2024-04-29T09:56:27+02:0025. Apr 2024|Science, Digitalization & Technology, Personalities|

Dr. Jana Schaich Borg is trying to build morality into a machine. Through her work at the Social Science Research Institute at Duke University, she has become an expert in the moral [...]

„I always wanted to be part of NASA”

2024-05-06T11:31:59+02:0009. Apr 2024|Science, Digitalization & Technology, Career path & Application, Personalities|

The former NASA astronaut, geologist and teacher Dottie Metcalf-Lindenburger loves science, although it didn’t come easy to her, as she says. In our interview, she explains how she handled having her daughter [...]

A 40-year view of a career in the space industry

2024-05-06T13:05:40+02:0010. Oct 2023|Science, Digitalization & Technology, Career path & Application, herEXPERIENCE|

What is it like to work in the space sector and particularly at the European Space Agency? How has the space sector and its jobs evolved? Lucy van der Tas, Head of [...]

Empowering Women: Navigating Intercultural Business Success and Breaking barriers as an Arabic Woman

2023-10-05T11:21:04+02:0005. Oct 2023|Offer Sparring, Mentoring & Networking, herEXPERIENCE|

Rana Alnasir-Boulos works as a Director Business Development for EITEP. She explored her unique journey of an Arabic woman in the world of business and intercultural empowerment. In this interview with herCAREER [...]

My growth as a female researcher and leader in the academic world

2024-01-03T07:36:37+01:0005. Oct 2022|Science, Digitalization & Technology, Career path & Application, Find mentors, herEXPERIENCE, Sparring partner wanted, Offer Sparring|

Participants learn about the many opportunities for researchers and women as well (!) or in particular, to grow and take up leadership roles in the academic world. "Really follow your [...]

How NetApp is Leading the Way with Digital Transformation

2024-01-03T07:37:32+01:0004. Oct 2022|Development of personality and competences, Science, Digitalization & Technology, Find mentors, herEXPERIENCE|

The advancement of your career requires an environment where you can thrive and feel empowered to follow your aspirations. In this session, Giovanna Sangiorgi, SVP EMEA & LATAM at NetApp, will share [...]

Pivoting into tech – How women of all backgrounds can make a difference

2023-04-24T11:09:37+02:0004. Oct 2022|Sparring partner wanted, Offer Sparring, Development of personality and competences, Career path & Application, herEXPERIENCE|

Henrieke has changed her career path several times. In this talk, she will share how you too can effectively transition into tech from other careers, and why it can be a win-win [...]

How to manage a successful career and level up in the German tech industry

2024-01-03T07:38:50+01:0030. Sep 2022|Science, Digitalization & Technology, Career path & Application, Find mentors, herEXPERIENCE|

In this interactive MeetUp, participants will learn from Nimmy's experiences on how to build a strong career in the German tech industry as a woman, mother and a foreigner resident in Munich. [...]

“I’ve always been fascinated by how technology makes our world more efficient.”

2022-07-25T16:39:19+02:0025. Jul 2022|herWHY, Sparring partner wanted, Offer Sparring, Science, Digitalization & Technology|

Taking a look behind the scenes of companies: In the interview series herWHY, female employees give an insight and a very personal view of their job. They report on how they got [...]

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