Leadership & CommunicationInsights into the importance of internal communication if you want to make a career in a management position. Or what the roadmap could look like for women who want to make it into management.

Dealing with unconscious bias … and succeeding!

2021-10-05T16:18:43+02:0005. Sep 2019|Leadership & Communication, Society|

Despite publicity of diversity in business leadership roles and promises for gender equality, women haven't made much progress. One explanation is the unconscious bias of those making the choices combined with conditioned [...]

Podcast: Growth mind-set – how I unlock my career potential

2020-04-08T14:08:49+02:0030. Jan 2019|Leadership & Communication, Podcasts, Career path & Application|

Content of the Podcast Having grown up in China in the 1970s, she did not have the best starting conditions for an international management career. But today, Joy Jinghui Xu is [...]

Growing into a leader

2018-11-07T13:45:20+01:0021. Sep 2018|Offer Sparring, Development of personality and competences, Leadership & Communication, Sparring partner wanted|

Transitioning from being a team member to leading a team Lina Behrens runs Flying Health’s Digital Drug section, from discovering innovative ideas, leading their development and clinical validation to building them [...]

Why do we hold ourselves back?

2018-09-26T12:13:23+02:0019. Sep 2018|Sparring partner wanted, Offer Sparring, Development of personality and competences, Leadership & Communication|

Awareness, Action and Adapt Anantika Kumari is a Human Resources professional, currently working in London. Her experience in the banking and financial services started 5 years back in Mumbai, India with [...]

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